Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Outage Planner

In Bentley OpenUtilities Designer the Outage Planner dialog helps to identify "active outages" and "proposed outages" in a water distribution network to facilitate notifying customers about a planned outage or incident related outages.

The tool extends the network trace functionality. Where the network trace isolation trace function identifies the valves that need to close in order to stop flow of water into an area of the network, the Outage Planner also identifies dead ends (sometimes referred to as: antennas); parts of the network that are deprived of water due to isolation areas.

The Outage Planner dialog can be accessed through the Water > Utilities > Outage Planner menu.

The Outage Planner dialog can also be accessed from the Utilities toolbar.

Using the Outage Planner dialog for an on-the-spot analysis is a two-step process:

  1. Performing one (or more) isolation traces to identify isolation areas.
  2. Perform a dead end trace to identify dead end areas.

When used for on-the-spot analysis the Outage Planner dialog looks like this:

Note: The Outage Planner tool can leverage the workflow management functionality found in Bentley OpenUtilities Designer. Please refer to the Workflow Manager section of the documentation for more details.